I didn't have the mood to work today. But I still dragged my feet to work today. After all, I've already took 2 days off in advance to look after my mom and she is, now at least, able to move around the house by herself.
I guess she's getting better in a way. But really, it's hard to say if she's really gotten better or not. She doesn't feel nauseous anymore, doesn't feel as dizzy as before. But why can't her left ear hear still? I asked the specialist and he said that if she doesn't regain her hearing on her left ear within one week, she most probably won't get it back anymore.
And the thought of the worst just made me sad. I can't help worrying even though I know worrying doesn't help. And I feel so helpless. I just hope she'll recover completely and be able to listen with both ears when I play guitar for her again.
Strum to the MUSIC!!
11:22 pm
Woke up realising that my spectacles and devotional book were on the floor. I guess I was simply too tired last night and I fell asleep before I could do my quiet time. So yup, the moral of the story is, never do quiet time on the bed, especially when you know that you're really exhausted. Haha. =/
Hmm... I felt that something was really weird today when I woke up. Yup, my mom's still lying in bed. Not that it's weird for a sick person to be resting in bed... But yah, at first thought when I woke up today, if you were to ask me where my mom is and I would say that she's probably up and awake cleaning the house and preparing breakfast and I would always think that I'm awoken by the aroma of whatever she's cooking.
Guess I'm just so used to her doing so many things for the family. Even in my dream last night, she was washing my clothes... =( And maybe that's why I felt that things seemed so different the moment I woke up today - thinking that my mom was awake as usual doing some housework and then realising that oh ya, she's unwell.
"天下的妈妈都是一样的." That's what Shermaine said last night when I told her mom that her soup tasted like my mom's cooking. I never thought that the statement would just come back to me again this morning when I was thinking about how my mom raised the the four of us up single-handedly. If every mother in the world are the same, then they all ought to be rewarded equally too!
But I guess that what the statement really meant is that every mother loves her children. There's no difference in how much motherly love a rich tai tai or a poor beggar would give to her children. They all love their children the same! Just that some poor mothers have to struggle more than the wealthier ones to provide for their children. And some unfortunate mothers don't get what they deserve at the end of the day for their unfailing love.
And I just hope that my mom wouldn't be an unfortunate one. I hope that she'll get well soon and enjoy a long and blessed life.
Strum to the MUSIC!!
6:39 am
Hmm... I guess my throat's feeling better now. But yeah, I know myself too well. It always starts with a sore throat. Then cough, flu, blocked nose and phelgms will join in the fun and there - an upper respiratory tract infection. And when that comes, I'll get asthmatic occassionally.
And in fact, I'm feeling a little breathless right now. But I forgot when I've put my inhaler. Gonna search for it now.
Thanks for praying for me and do continue to keep me in prayer! Thanks everyone. =)
I'll get well soon I'm sure. =)
Strum to the MUSIC!!
10:09 pm
My throat is feeling uncomfortable still. But I guess I'll still be working later since I am not having a fever right now. Hmm... Now the problem is... My work requires me to open my mouth to talk. =(
Sigh, why do I get sore throat so easily no matter what I do?
I guess sometimes, somethings are just inevitable. You can only try your best and believe that things could have turned out worse if you didn't.
Alright, I shall pity myself no longer.
Get well soon Chris!!
Strum to the MUSIC!!
9:25 am
My throat's feeling sore after long hours of talking to customers during work today.
I think I'm falling sick. But I also think that I'll get well sooner than before because my heart is smiling.
For I've sorted out my thoughts.
Strum to the MUSIC!!
12:19 am
Went to watch 'Money No Enough 2' with Shermaine last night. Initially, I thought it was going to be a 'laughing-all-out-meaninglessly' kind of comedy show with the Singapore Government being the centre of the joke. But I was so wrong. Didn't expect the movie to have such a dramatic twist at the end, protraying the extent of sacrifices that a loving wife is willing to make for her hubby, the consequences of greediness of the 3 brothers and how much their mother had sacrificed for them even till the very last moment when she decided to sacrifice her life to give up her only O- blood bag so that her grand-daughter (one who actually despised her and even said that she's smelly!) could be resusitated and have a second chance at life.
It was completely heart-wrenching seeing the grief on the Granny's face in a number of scenes in the movie. She is really a noble mother and gave her all to all of her children and yet what she got in return are so utterly undeserving. Such is the depth of a motherly love. No wonder Shermaine's mummy and aunty told her that they cried while watching the movie. For me, tears just welled up, but I didn't cry. I guess I do not have enough tears in me anymore. Ha...
Alright, I'm going to stop here soon. For those who haven't watch, I would definitely recommend the show. And remember to bring some tissue paper if you cry easily. =)
"I used to think that being poor is when you have no money in your wallet or bank. But now, I finally realised that being poor is when people who loved you aren't there by your side anymore." - A line from the movie
So yup my friends, do treasure all your loved ones yah? Kinship and friendship - These are riches that when carefully watered with love and care, they will become true treasures that would endure forever, something that no amount of money can ever measure up to.
Strum to the MUSIC!!
8:42 am
As requested by hyper sis Caris, I shall update a little tonight.
Actually, I'm at a lost of what to update lol. A lot of things seemed to have happened between us within such a short time. But at the very least, I know that I'm happy. =)
Alright, now for the short blogquiz tagged by hyper sis.
1.Are you smiling now?
Yes I am. =)
2.Name 5 People.
3.Would you ever consider dating number 1?
Darling Abner? Why not? DotA DotA here we go! =D
4.Would you ever consider dating number 2?
Take her out like I would for a sister, why not? Caris & Chris - Hyper siblings always. =)
5.How did you meet number 3?
Through Aaron's family. Haha.
6.Do you have number 4's phone number?
7.Describe number 5.
Probably the nicest, the most polite, the most adorable girl I've ever known. =)
8.Where are you now?
In my room.
9.What are you going to do after this?
Dry my hair, practise guitar, do quiet time, pray then sleep.
10.Name 3 people to do this quiz.
I refused to name. =X
Strum to the MUSIC!!
11:13 pm